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  • China's fruit output accounts for nearly 1/4 of the world's total output.

    China's fruit output accounts for nearly 1/4 of the world's total output.

    According to Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, February 24 (Reporter Lin Hui) during the Spring Festival, people cannot leave all kinds of fresh fruits on their dining tables. The reporter learned from the China Fruit Circulation Association that China's fruit output accounts for nearly 1/4 of the world's total output, which is worthy of the name.

    2016-03-20 China fruit output share world total output nearly 1/4
  • Privet genus

    Privet genus

    Latin name: LigustrumL. English name: Privet introduction: evergreen, semi-evergreen or deciduous, trees or shrubs. Leaves simple opposite, entire, petiolate. Cymose panicles terminal and axillary. Flowers bisexual; Calyx bell-shaped, 4-toothed, irregularly cleft or truncate; Corolla white, subradiate, funnel-shaped or salverform, Corolla tube longer than lobes or subequal, lobes 4, valvate in buds; stamens 2, inserted near Corolla tube throat, enclosed or protruding, locule nearly extroverted.

  • Lily cultivated species

    Lily cultivated species

    1. Curly Dan is also called Tiger skin Lily. Its bulb is nearly oblate, about 3.5 cm high, 4-8 cm in diameter and weighing more than 250 grams. Scales broadly ovate, 2.5-3 cm long and 1.4-2.5 cm wide, white slightly yellowish. There is a lot of starch and a slight bitter taste. Aboveground stem 0.8-1.5 m high, purplish striped, white woolly. Leaves scattered, short round-lanceolate or lanceolate, nearly glabrous on both sides, apex with white hairs, margin with papillary protuberances, 5-7 veins, upper middle axils with beads. The flower is orange-red, blossoms downward, and the perianth rolls outward.

  • Can asparagus be hydroponically cultured? the hydroponic method / water level and light of asparagus are well controlled.

    Can asparagus be hydroponically cultured? the hydroponic method / water level and light of asparagus are well controlled.

    Asparagus is a perennial foliage plant, and hydroponic culture can achieve the dual effect of observing leaves and roots, so many people are considering hydroponic culture of asparagus, so can asparagus be hydroponically cultivated? The editor tells you that it is OK. Next, let's take a look at the methods of hydroponic culture of asparagus and the points for attention.

  • Spruce snow mildew

    Spruce snow mildew

    [distribution and harm] the disease occurs in North America, Northern Europe, Japan and other countries, harming fir (Abies), spruce (Picea), willow (Cryptomeriafortunei) and other tree species. In China, it is distributed in forest areas such as western Tianshan, western Junggar and Altai Mountains. The main affected areas are Gongliu, Yining, Tacheng and other places. Seriously ill nursery, the annual loss rate is 330.62%. In artificial regeneration of young forests, the disease is also very serious, especially with seedlings, weak seedlings and bands.

  • How to raise pitcher plants

    How to raise pitcher plants

    First, the temperature pitcher plant, like a relatively high temperature environment, in the state of 20 to 30 degrees Celsius, it grows more exuberantly. Pitcher plants hardly grow when the weather is colder. In order to avoid freezing to death, pitcher plants need to be warmed up. Water pitcher plants need a lot of water

  • Clove brown spot

    Clove brown spot

    Symptoms and pathological changes: mainly formed brown spots on the leaves, disease spots round, nearly round or irregular, dark brown edge, light brown center, severe brown spots, early defoliation, leaving only a small number of leaves in the whole plant. The pathogen is fungus, Cercospora lilac, the seed is spherical, dark brown, the conidium is fascicled and erect.

  • Will the latest pine blossom?

    Will the latest pine blossom?

    Pine belongs to the genus Pinus of Pinus family. There are nearly 80 pine species in the world. They are not only many species, but also widely distributed. They have strong adaptability to terrestrial environment and are famous pioneer tree species. In fact, every kind of pine tree blossoms, but the pine tree has few flowers and no petals.

    2020-11-10 The latest pine will not flowering for pine family
  • How to reproduce the dragon blood tree, the propagation method / pressing or cutting of the dragon blood tree

    How to reproduce the dragon blood tree, the propagation method / pressing or cutting of the dragon blood tree

    Dragon blood tree is a perennial plant, but after it has been planted for several years, its basal leaves may fall, resulting in a decline in ornamental value. Flower friends should reproduce it at this time, but some flower friends do not know its reproductive skills.

  • Will the pine tree shed its leaves?

    Will the pine tree shed its leaves?

    Will the pine tree shed its leaves?

  • Wild amaranth is a delicious green wild vegetable with the effect of clearing away heat, detoxification and diuresis.

    Wild amaranth is a delicious green wild vegetable with the effect of clearing away heat, detoxification and diuresis.

    Wild amaranth, the name of traditional Chinese medicine. It is the whole grass or root of amaranth Amaranthuslividus and Amaranthusretroflexus. The concave amaranth is distributed all over the country, and the reverse amaranth is distributed in the northeast, north China and northwest.

  • Will the leaves of the latest pine tree fall?

    Will the leaves of the latest pine tree fall?

    Pine trees are not only of many species, but also widely distributed, such as Pinus tabulaeformis, Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica, Pinus tabulaeformis and Pinus koraiensis, Pinus massoniana, Pinus taiwanensis, Pinus elliottii, Pinus tabulaeformis, Pinus tabulaeformis and Pinus elliottii in Central China, most of which are Pinus tabulaeformis.

    2020-11-10 The latest pine will not deciduous not only there are many kinds
  • Will pine trees blossom?

    Will pine trees blossom?

    Will pine trees blossom?

  • How much is the price of beans per jin now? How to prevent and control rust in the process of planting?

    How much is the price of beans per jin now? How to prevent and control rust in the process of planting?

    Bean is a kind of nutrient-rich vegetable with crisp taste and many practices, which is deeply loved by consumers. Beans are widely planted in northern China, can be sold on the market all the year round, and have strong adaptability to the planting environment. So now beans.

    2020-11-08 Now beans price probably more less money one jin planting
  • What are the cultivation methods and matters needing attention of pocket coconut trees

    What are the cultivation methods and matters needing attention of pocket coconut trees

    What are the cultivation methods and matters needing attention of pocket coconut trees

  • What kind of plant is Sabina vulgaris? When is the florescence of Platycladus orientalis the difference between Platycladus orientalis and Platycladus orientalis

    What kind of plant is Sabina vulgaris? When is the florescence of Platycladus orientalis the difference between Platycladus orientalis and Platycladus orientalis

    Sabina vulgaris is a kind of cypress and evergreen tree, which is mainly distributed in the northeast and North China. Now it is widely distributed in the south of Inner Mongolia, Sichuan and Yunnan. Do you know when the cypress blossoms? Round cypress and

    2019-04-03 Cypress what is it plant florescence is in when and
  • Cultivation and Management of Chinese Chestnut

    Cultivation and Management of Chinese Chestnut

    Castanea mollissima is a famous fine dried fruit tree of Fagaceae. Chinese people have thousands of years of cultivation history and accumulated rich experience. It occupies an important position in the economic life of our people. Chinese chestnut is rich in nutrition and delicious. It can be eaten fresh, fried, cooked and made all kinds of snacks and dishes. It has the characteristics of sweet, fragrant and waxy.

  • "Zhaomei crisp" pear

    1. Fruit economic characters: the average single fruit weight is 250g, nearly round or long oval, the fruit surface is smooth and clean, the wax is thick, green and yellow, the appearance is beautiful, the core is small, the meat is crisp and juicy, and the soluble solids content is 11% 12.5%. 2. General agronomic characters: semi-open posture, round head shape of crown and strong dryness. The fruit heating period is late July, the fruit growth period is 90 days, the vegetative growth period of the plant is 219, and it has strong resistance to ring rot, black spot and rot. 3. Suitable area: China

  • Zaomi crisp pear

    Zaomi crisp pear

    1. Fruit economic characters: average fruit weight 250g, nearly round or oval, smooth and clean fruit surface, waxy thick, green-yellow, beautiful appearance, small fruit core, crispy flesh and juicy, soluble solids content 11%-12.5%. 2. General agronomic traits: tree posture half-open, crown round head shape, dry strong. Fruit heating period is in late July, fruit growth period is 90 days, plant vegetative growth period is 219 years, and it has strong resistance to ring rot, black spot and rot. 3. Suitable areas:

  • There are hidden worries behind the ten-year harvest of summer grain, relying on fertilizer to increase production and deteriorate the quality of cultivated land.

    There are hidden worries behind the ten-year harvest of summer grain, relying on fertilizer to increase production and deteriorate the quality of cultivated land.

    The national total output of summer grain reached 131.89 million tons in 2013, an increase of 1.96 million tons or 1.5 percent over 2012, of which the output of winter wheat was 115.67 million tons, an increase of 1.48 million tons or 1.3 percent over the previous year, the website of the National Bureau of Statistics announced on July 12. two hundred and one

    2016-03-20 Summer grain ten companies abundant behind storage hidden worries rely on fertilizer increase production